Two weeks ago, I was compelled
To pick poison ivy at a friend’s house.
I missed the first day I intended to go,
But rejoiced at a second chance,
And pulled a bag of the horrible vine,
While we chatted and laughed together.
Two days later, I had a rash on my wrist,
And small patches on my face and neck.
I am no stranger to the long-lasting, itchy welts,
And wasn’t surprised. I dealt with it.
My friend, though, was undone.
This minor irritation for me left her
Guilt-stricken, almost in tears.
I tried to reassure her that I felt compelled to do this.
“God told me to do it. Do not have guilt.”
“But why would he do that?”
Because you planted a beautiful garden with your mother,
And simply didn’t recognize that it was directly on the vine,
And I want you to have a beautiful garden to enjoy.
Because I am not highly reactive and this will soon fade.
Because you have enough on your plate as it is,
And it is more joyful to serve another than to wrestle through alone.
Because obedience is not always free from repercussions.
Because sometimes we receive grace and it hurts to do so.
Why would he do that?
I don’t know. But I have some guesses.
Love that story - beautiful.