Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Years ago I read about a chalet
That took in wanderers.

They trusted in the Lord’s provision.

They asked that those who should come,
Would come,
And that the rest would stay away.

They asked for guidance for each day,
And avoided efficient plans for the future.

They asked for God to send co-laborers,
As he chose.

In four weeks,
We’ve hosted twenty people or groups
And had more than a dozen other visits off farm.

As I look at the calendar,
There is a pattern: no one turned away,
Visits like clock-work,
Like someone is coordinating our lives
Day by day.

This was not what I anticipated
When we moved to the land.
I expected literal fruit.

But if what God offers is a different kind of fruitfulness,
I’ll take it.

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