Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Constraint

Reading again The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, not our favorite,
We discussed how thin the conceit that holds the book together,
How much we prefer interwoven novels to episodic.

And yet there is something satisfying about reading an entire episode
In an evening,
As we did with Eustace as a dragon.

What struck me was the gold bracelet,
Biting into his flesh, until he tore his arm with his teeth for the misery.
Constant. Painful. A reminder that this was not what he should be.

A constraint.
And it drove him, in the end,
To the place of healing.

1 comment:

  1. You're not a Dawn Treader fan? Hard to believe :) ranks up there with the Decameron and The Canterbury Tales....

    Okay, jk, but I'm with you on Eustace the Dragon, gotta love a deep and true change of heart. Love when he's still a dragon and tries to be helpful but can barely stand himself. Love the scene where Aslan un-dragons him.

    But my fav Dawn Treader story is probably the Dufflepuds, esp Lucy having to save them all by reading the Magician's book :)
