Thursday, October 15, 2015


Two days before we landed in Portland,
The city flooded; people abandoned their cars.
We arrived and drove under clear skies, on clear roads.

The forecast had predicted a week of rain.
The hurricane turned aside, then,
And if the weather was a bit cold initially,

It meant we got out of one boat ride too many,
That we were extra thankful for the warm food to eat,
And that we were impressed all the days it was fine.

Which, actually, was every day,
Each day more glorious than the last,
Until the day we needed to move on.

That day was grey, and rained from
The start of our drive, a steady rain that
Would have been miserable, had we been outside.

But on the morrow, a day of traipsing about,
We once again enjoyed clear skies,
We yet still felt the graciousness of God in our travels.

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