Saturday, September 26, 2015


Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.

Jesus was, I think,
Very tired.

Thronged wherever he went,
Opposed by those one would expect to be his friends,
He went, at last, into a foreign land …

But he could not be hid.

During his life, many educated men
Ask many difficult questions.

Jesus always comes out the victor.

Here is a Greek,
A woman,
Who goes to this foreigner
And takes the insult he gives
Without objection
If but her daughter could be healed.

Could there be a greater contrast?
The Jewish men, powerful and strong,
Plot to kill Jesus after he insults them.

The woman, foreign, powerless,
Receives whatever analogy he offers,
If he will but heal her girl.

She leaves, victorious.

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