Mind-dull with a head cold’s fatigue,
I found on my door, this post-it note:
“There starts the treasure hunt: out door.”
And so I followed the trail of post-it notes,
Lovingly placed by one son,
While the other four sons bounded ahead and swarmed behind,
One keeping up a color commentary.
There was a red herring, the word “Fire,” which,
When I opened the cold stove to take the note,
Found, “Not here,” an unexpected full stop.
Nor did it mean lighter, candle, matches, or Lego flames
(Eventually I realized: an electronic device).
This was not, strictly speaking, a treasure hunt,
As the prize was only the encouraging note:
“You made it yay!!!!!”
And yet, there was a treasure.
The thought and care and kindness that was given in
The several dozen clues.
The companionship of sons.
Let me not dismiss this treasure
Simply because there was nothing tangible.
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