Friday, November 30, 2018

Screamingly Funny

Overall, I have found

Sense and Sensibility

As acid a work as I might

Ever suffer to read.

Then Mrs. Jennings

Misunderstood Elinor,

Who, distracted, didn’t pursue

The slight oddities of response,

Creating an extended scene

So screamingly funny

I had to lean on the counter

Until my mirth was exhausted.

Thursday, November 29, 2018


How interesting, to revisit a book

I’d forgotten I’d ever visited.

Return to Gone-Away.

A family buys a ruined wreck 

Of a magnificent home,

And happen across some

Chippendale furniture in the attic

That will pay for all their improvements. 

I think I’ve always had this idea

At the back of my mind

That such things could be . . .

It must have been a seed planted,

Too many years ago to remember.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


The traumas in my life have been minor,

So even to write about them makes me feel 

Like Marianne Dashwood, ever making 

Much over little, or nothing.

But a theme emerged:

All my traumas relate to something I failed to do, 

Whether from ignorance, or distraction.

I had thought my perfectionism was gone . . .

But I don’t think it has.

Certified Homeopath

I haven’t been to a homeopath

Since 2013.

I filled out the narrative 

For Dr. Guess.

He asked for 6-7 pages.

I gave him 25. 

I feel horrible . . .

But I’m not sure what I could have left out.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Still Fall

Though most trees stand bare,

We paused our reading as the clearing

Filled with leaves, 

Falling, rising, floating.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Mental Health Hour

Just Jadon and I went up to church.

So overstimulated—bad dream,

Emotional upheaval of weeks past,

Sick husband, loud boys—

I sang, dispiritedly, 

And then went out to sit in the car 

For the sermon. 

I needed silent prayer.


Personal analysis.

Then I was better,

And spent a lovely half hour or so

In conversation.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

I Could Have

If there had been pressing tasks,

I could have worked.

But there weren’t, 

So I spent the day on homeopathy,

Thankful for a day to spend.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Photo Books

I spent four hours or so,

Going through old photos:

Printing photo books,

Moving photos to the hard drive,

Saving, editing, deleting.

It was not my favorite way 

To spend time, 

But I am pleased to have

More computer storage space,

And a long looming task 


Friday, November 23, 2018

Thanksgiving, Round Eight

I left our eighth Thanksgiving

At the DeLaura’s



Good conversation, 


New friend,



A friend asked if I would take photos

Of her family.

I said yes.

I didn’t (necessarily) want to.

But a new birth announced,

A surprisingly short disruption to my day,

Easy lighting . . .

It was a good half hour.

On to editing!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

One Son Is My Cook

We had a meal in mind, 

But when 7:30 rolled around

I realized I was in need of a break

And he would arrive home from judo


So I made dinner.

All were very grateful.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


With limited time and hungry stomachs,

I taught Isaiah to make tacos.

The beans I had made before I left

Had, apparently, sat on the counter for days.

They were spoiled.

But those who were hungry ate,

And Isaiah was suitably praised.


My niece was sick again.

Has been sick for months now,

Ever since the family failed to adopt.

I asked her questions for almost an hour,

The looked up her most unusual symptoms.

The remedy was one I would never expect,

More useful for arthritis and poison ivy.

But the report the next day:

Cheerful, no more pain.

Entire transformation.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A New Day

Phil offered a boy

Ten dollars a day

To clean the kitchen

To make the food.

One is doing each.

I am teaching.

One day soon I’ll do neither.

Buying back hours each day.

Mood Pencil

Caleb has had a wee attitude issue.

Back-to-back travel has left him distressed.

He wasn’t much interested in reading

(At least: not my way).

Then Joe noticed that some of our pencils

Change with the temperature.

Mood pencils?

Let’s do more schoolwork, please!

Monday, November 19, 2018


I think I dozed off, briefly, 

In the car as we came home from church.

I remember my hands twitching, then no more.

Two hours then I slept and dozed,

A luxury of the Sabbath.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Change of Plans

I had expected to study homeopathy,

But with production turnaround looming,

I worked instead.


Read to Caleb.

He was needing some attention.

Saturday, November 17, 2018


I don’t know what happened in town,

But I’ve never seen a traffic jam

In Charlottesville like that.

A trip that should have taken less than two hours

Stretched on another hour,

Ever so stressful.

Left me shaky and exhausted.

But it was fun to have Caleb with me

As I brought back the rental car!

Friday, November 16, 2018


I was going through airport security

When I learned that my flight

From Charlotte to Charlottesville

Was cancelled.

I was rerouted for a flight two days later.

Yeah, that’s not good enough.

So I sat in the airport and rented a car,

And gratefully drove the four hours.

I was home when Caleb woke just after 2am.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


I had a plan for the day.

The night before, 

Based on new information,

I changed plans entirely.

So we had a productive day,

Just not quite what I expected.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


I asked for prayer. 

I had a big presentation

And felt desperate. 

And the presentation

Was covered. 

The conversation 


Tuesday, November 13, 2018


A friend asked for information

In such a way that I felt like a gossip.


Monday, November 12, 2018


Recently, Phil tried to explain his life.

Infrequent engineer

Part-time tree service operator

Casual farmer

Math tutor for a selective private school

Father of five

Husband to one

“I would wish this life for everyone.”


Hot pink streak across the sky.

I admired, then turned away.

Glanced back a minute later . . .



The moon a clear sliver above.

The white clouds a ripple below.

An orange glow on the horizon.

Cold blue air outside my window.


Trekking through the airport,

Focused on my gate.

A woman sprawled off to the side,

Made a soft, shocked noise.

Immediately surrounded by

A cluster of concerned passersby,

I headed off to my gate,

Convinced there was nothing I could do.

The Acon 1M in my luggage, 

There for shock, but tucked so far

In my bag, my brain

I gave not a thought.

And this, after reading just this morning

About the Good Samaritan,

That maybe the priest and the Levite 

Had good reason to move quickly on.


Caleb’s favorite socks 

Now years old and 

Many sizes too small:

Lightning bolts on a field of blue.

“You’re getting struck by lightning,”

He said, while kicking me.


Longtime friend Denise Bush

Invited me over to eat a light lunch,

Then hike.

Through the late afternoon sun,

We walked briskly past 

Gorgeous vistas of mountains,

Silver fronds of grasses,

A few remaining golden leaves.

An autumn time.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


“No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’ because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” —Jeremiah 31:34

The Great War began with a shot: 

An angry, dying man assassinating

Someone, to start something.

This snowballed, as alliances held.

The number who died, 

Both civilian and military:

Almost 40 million.

Remembering sins leads to death.

God shows us another way.


When Ahab’s son goes to war

Without enough water to cross 

The desert, the prophet tells him,

“Dig trenches.”

These fill with water enough

To let the men and beasts live,

And the redness in the early 

Morning light tricks the enemy.

Believing the red to be blood,

Their enemy defeated,

They attack unawares and are killed.

It’s an amusing story.

Juxtaposed against the Great War,

Also known for trenches,

These ones filled with mud and slime,

Running, in truth, with blood.

The mind cannot comprehend.

One Hundred Years Ago Just Now

All the guns fell silent,

Though some had been shot

Even that morning (foolish loss).

We were singing in church at 11am,

Though a few boys and I stood outside

For a minute, in silent,

Remembering that time when all did this,

To commemorate the dead,

The Great War,

The folly and the pain

At an end.

Except it is not really at an end.

WWII, that outspring, is,

But border conflicts 

Established then



Caleb had an excellent Saturday.

All those who most amuse him

Were returned to him.

So though he needed me to 

Help him show off his learning,

He played and hiked and read

With Dad and Jadon,

Those who amused him

Finally returned.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


I went to the barn to get the book I ordered.

It hadn’t been delivered yet,

But in its stead: two large boxes of books,

Only mostly out of the rain.

Incredibly, the side most damp

Held two plastic-wrapped collections:

No damage at all.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Paper Boat

Joe made a paper boat.

He floated it in the bathroom sink

For probably an hour,

Rejoicing in its (temporary) durability,

Which was, in truth, far longer than expected.

He came in to show me his white and wrinkled hands,

Mentioned that the boat was gone . . . 

Down the drain.

“But it’s just paper . . . It will be fine,”

He said, as the remaining water





Elimination Diet

I haven’t noticed a huge change 

In my face, following the elimination diet.

Not that I’ve been perfectly strict. 

Just saying.

But I am traveling next week,

And need to offer some flexility of diet. 

I had an arugula salad with 

Tomatoes and balsamic,

Two forbidden ingredients.

Did not notice a change.

Had it again for dinner,

Along with homemade French fries.

My face flared.

Could I be allergic to potatoes?

Or did I overload on tomatoes?

Moderation is not my strong suit.


Caleb sitting on the floor, 

Singing “Glory to God,

Heaven and nature sing.”

His brother has played

The Christmas cantata 

Around the clock

For several days.

All my sons are well-prepared

For worship.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Photo Editing

The photos I took

Of an office building,

Empty . . .

They are lovely photos.

Makes me glad of my skill.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Needing Comfort

At the end of a long day with stress,

My exhausted son, fussy and grumpy,

Kicked out, heedlessly,

My computer in the way.

I didn’t take it well.

We both needed comforting.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Put It into Practice

In the past, I’ve heard things like,

Today, people have a nine-second attention span

Or Sales copy is better if it’s short.

But I haven’t put it into practice.

I took a brochure, already slim in text,

And almost cut it in half.

I’m putting my learning into practice.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Colored Tunnel

At last!

Driving to church

Surrounded by 

Golden orange 

Tunnels of fall.

Speed Reading

I had vaguely known of speed reading.

Despite thousands of books read,

I had never been taught.

Energized and on edge, I purchased the course,

Started and completed in a few hours. 

Let the eye travel backwards and forwards,

Let the brain take in what it needs to know. 

I started at 410 words per minute,

And ended at 920, or thereabouts. 

A fascinating exercise that I hope will pay dividends

For the rest of my life.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Birthday Greetings

Our beloved friend turned 60,

And so we two joined ten others

To celebrate.

Tears, swear words, laughter, 

Joy, and honor . . .

A fitting tribute.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Skin after a Wagon Ride

Into the warm fall afternoon,

Joe headed out, clad in winter jacket

To hold the audiobook player

As he pulled the wagon up the hill

And rode the wagon down.

“My stomach is sticky,”

He commented later,

And immediately was struck with the giggles,

Made worse when I said, ironically,

“When I woke up this morning,

The thing I hoped for most

Was hearing an unusual sentence

That I had never heard before.”

Headphones, Renamed

When Caleb wants to listen to a book,

He comes and asks for 


Which is both adorable 

Or disgusting,

Depending on your point of view.

Friday, November 2, 2018


Earlier this week, I noted

The complete lack of sight of falling leaves.

To look out the window, then, in a breeze,

And see the air filled with fall . . .

That’s what I’ve been

Longing for.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Wagon Rides

Years ago, Jadon and Isaiah

Would sit in a red wagon,

Calvin-and-Hobbes style,

And ride down the driveway. 

In my mind’s eye, they wore helmets

And carried stuffed animals. 

It was adorable.

Today Abraham took another red wagon

And went to the top of the driveway.

Caleb gave a push, and Abraham rode,


Down the driveway,

Around the gravel pile,

Past the chicken pen and chicken run,

Around a few trees,

And down to the trampoline,

An open-air, seat-belt free roller coaster.

And in the clear autumn air,

Surrounded by colorful trees and blue skies,

By excited and happy watchers

For the one enthusiastic rider:

It was a sight of peace,

Of blessing.